Redefine Your Work Tablet with the ET6X Series
Warehouse and distribution centers rely on business tablets to handle inventory, assets, and data collection. With the increase in e-commerce and the demand for faster turnaround on shipping, it’s... 
Automate Your Workplace with Integrated RFID Portals
The need to keep track of what comes in and out of your building continues to grow. Inventory count increases with each passing day, and workers need an accurate... 
3 Technologies to take your factory to the next level
Despite the great damage left behind from the COVID-19 outbreak, automotive factories are still expected to grow within the coming years at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of... 
These are the Signs Your Operations May Be Ready for RFID
Real-time visibility has been steadily increasing in popularity due to new customer demands such as reliable product traceability and faster order fulfillment. While increased visibility empowers operations to meet... 
4 Benefits Wearable Technologies Bring into Your Production Floor
When it comes to rugged environments, manufacturing plants often stand as one of the toughest industrial landscapes where efficiency, traceability, and ease of use must all work together to... 
Curbing Labor Turnover can be Simple with These 3 Tips
About a third of warehouses report labor turnover rates of 25% or higher. In operations that heavily depend on temporary workers, turnover rates can go as high as 50%.... 
Creating the smart factory with next-generation wearable technology
A mere four years ago, researchers were already striving to redefine the smart factory as demands for product quality, clear traceability, and operational flexibility continued to grow. In the... 
Understanding the difference between “Buy” and “Build” software
In the rapid pace of today’s modern supply chains, every decision matters. When it comes to software selection, the common “Build” or “Buy” dilemma appears. To choose between these... 
5 Ways to Optimize your Operations without Backend Modifications
While paper-based systems increase the chances of data entry errors, complicated digital platforms can also contribute to mis-picks and delays. For that reason, modernization has often been seen as... 
Ready to Modernize the Warehouse? Here’s Where to Start.
With 2020 in the rearview mirror, it’s time to look ahead at how to secure productivity in the brand new year. As more technologies and solutions are released, the...